Print Specifications
Printing and artwork – tips and guidelines
Any Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.
Colour mode:
Please always supply your job files in CMYK mode. Colours created in RGB mode are generally never the same as colours in CMYK mode.
Colour saturation should never exceed 240% in total otherwise faulty printing will result.
100% Black (K), 50% Cyan (C) and 50% Magenta (M) is sufficient for a deep black. Colour saturation should be at least 15%.
Size and bleed:
Please create an additional margin of 1mm to the final trimmed size on each side (3mm in the case of posters). Important lettering, graphics and information should be placed at least 3mm (5mm in the case of posters, 7mm for magazines) inside the trimmed size.
Create your data format so that it fits our standard data format.
Please do not use fold and/or cut marks.
*Please check our downloadable template section here
If you send us double-sided PDFs for leaflets we will use the first side as outside (front page) and the second as the inside.
We open our files using the default ‘Media Frame’. Please make sure this option is not altered when you save your files.
Please send your artwork in PDF format (according standard PDF/X-1a:2001)
- Your print data should have a resolution of at least 300dpi, otherwise there may be a loss of quality in the print result. For posters, 240dpi is sufficient.
- Please convert all text into paths in the case of vector graphics.
- Please create pixel images using at least 240dpi. (ideally 300dpi)
- Save all print data in CMYK format.
- In the case of orders that contain several files (e.g. front and back page), please save the individual files in the same format and name them clearly.
- In the case of magazines, please send us the pages as individual files. Please name these clearly so that we can correctly allocate them in the magazine.